Be wise about the medicine you take

The ninth annual Be Medicinewise Week is encouraging Australians to get to know the language of medicines. Medicines are part of most people’s lives with arthritis. Which is why, having access to, understanding and asking the right questions about medicines is key to getting the most out of them safely.

How can you learn the language of medicines?

1. Know all the medicines you take and why you take them. Keeping an up-to-date medicines list is a great way to keep track of your medicines.

2. Understand the instructions for taking your medicines. Medicines only work if you are taking them properly, and you can only take them properly if you understand the instructions.

3. Check with your health professional before starting any new medicine. A health professional can help you balance the benefits of a medicine with any potential risks.

4. Ask questions if there is anything you don’t understand about your medicines. Seeking information from a trusted source can help you get the most out of your medicines, safely.

Medicine Info Resources 

NPS Medicinewise was established to help Australians be more medicine wise through digital health and reliable health information for consumers. We’ve highlighted below some of their resources that you may find helpful.

  • Call their Medicines Line for medicine information on 1300 633 424
  • Download the free MedicineWise app – helps with easily keeping track of your medicines and gives you access to important health info anytime and anywhere, especially in emergencies.
  • Search for your medicine by brand or active ingredient on Medicine Finder
  • Medicine List – Complete this to help you keep track of you medicines in one place. For other languages, click here.
  • Videos on being Medicinewise:

Lesson 1: What is this medicine for?

Lesson 2: What are the active ingredients?

Lesson 3: How do I take my medicines correctly?

Lesson 4: What are the side effects and what can you do?

Source & Further Reading


Arthritis NSW Resources

Medicines and Arthritis Infosheet

Medicines used with JIA

Australian Rheumatology Association Medication Information Sheets

NPS Medicine Information:


NPS Consumer Information


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