Our philanthropic side

As Arthritis NSW’s (ANSW) new Philanthropy Manager, Nick Cadey says his job is to connect people in need with people who care.

Coming from a background as an auctioneer and antique dealer, business education events and marketing consultant, he has been getting to know ANSW’s donors and partners and how they support our programs and services. Nick’s own experience with arthritis is connected to his family. His parents live with arthritis and gout as do some of his friends.

‘Without our donors, ANSW couldn’t offer support to all the people in NSW living with arthritis. I make sure we connect with our current and potential donors and ensure they have up to date and relevant information about our current work and future plans,’ he said.


Nick also supervises and takes care of the bequests and generous gifts people have left ANSW in their Wills.

‘A bequest is a legacy. They are often generous gifts tied to stocks and shares and property. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to function as an efficient not-for-profit. Bequests are vital to our work in helping people with arthritis.’

Nick described a typical ANSW donor. ‘They are usually 40 years and over, with an arthritic condition or have a loved one who has arthritis, so they appreciate the debilitating pain that is associated with the condition.

‘The other, and equally important characteristic is that they care about helping ease the suffering of those in pain and isolation,’ he said.

‘We make sure our donors have access to a range of arthritis health professionals, services and a large network of other supporters. It’s my job to connect them to the right group of people and help them understand the impact their generosity can and does have.’

‘It’s our sincere wish to meet with all our supporter through events and one-to-one meetings. The more we can understand the stories and journeys of our supporters, the better we can help those in need.’

And what does he think about the donors he has met so far?

‘They are warm, kind and generous souls, some of whom have wicked senses of humour. It’s been a wonderful experience getting to know them,’ he said.