I/We acknowledge that the venue for Camp Footloose – Robert Menzie
College (RMC) – The Trinity Chapel Macquarie has been assessed, under Arthritis NSW guidelines, and deemed a suitable venue.
I/We will not hold Arthritis NSW, its employees, or volunteers, responsible for any illness or injury incurred by any member of our family during Camp Twinkletoes at RMC – Trinity Chapel Macquarie on Saturday 25 March 2023.
I/We will not hold Arthritis NSW, its employees or volunteers, responsible for any illness or injury incurred by any member of our family during the course of Camp Twinkletoes.
I/We indemnify Arthritis NSW against any claims of loss or damage to personal property of our family and acknowledge that all personal property is brought to camp at our own risk.
I/We accept financial responsibility for any damage to The RMC - Trinity Chapel Macquarie property that occurs as a result of the actions of any of the members of our family.
I/We will not bring onto the site, nor be affected by while on the site, alcohol or any illegal substances.
The RMC - Trinity Chapel Macquarie general conditions of hire, we recognise that The RMC - Trinity Chapel Macquarie is a Smoke Free Environment and smoking is not permitted within any building on site.
In the event of injury or illness, if I/we are not present or are unable to be contacted to give consent, we authorise Arthritis NSW staff to obtain on our behalf and at our expense, such urgent medical assistance, treatment and nursing, hospital and ambulance service as may be considered appropriate by Arthritis NSW staff.
The personal details and health information provided has been completed correctly to the best of our knowledge.
I/We recognise that while this is a family camp, there will be occasions where our child/children may be involved in activities in the absence of their parents/guardians. In these situations we consent to leave our child/children with Arthritis NSW staff and/or camp volunteers.
I/We acknowledge that all Arthritis NSW staff and Camp Twinkletoes volunteers have completed National Criminal Record and Working with Children Checks.
I/We understand that we can remove our child/children from any activity at any time and agree to inform Arthritis NSW staff if we do this or decide to leave the camp before the conclusion of the weekend’s activities.
I/We understand that the supervision of our children is our responsibility while at Camp Twinkletoes except when taking part in activities where it is expressly stated by Arthritis NSW that they assume the supervisory role.
I/We understand that while our child/children may be under the care of Arthritis NSW staff and/or volunteers, we are ultimately responsible for the behaviour of our child/children. If a situation arises requiring our child/children to be reprimanded or disciplined, I/we agree to carry this out.
I/We recognise that Camp Twinkletoes is a camp for families with young children and will therefore behave in a manner appropriate for families.
I/We understand that, from time to time, Arthritis NSW will contact us with various opportunities for supporting people with musculoskeletal conditions and research projects. I/We understand that Arthritis NSW will not on-sell any personal details to any other organisation and that Arthritis NSW complies with the Arthritis NSW Privacy Policy.
Arthritis NSW/QLD seeks parental / guardian consent to use media, including but not limited to, photography and video taken at the Twinkletoes event. We assure you that media materials will be used in a responsible and positive manner for the purpose of promoting the organisation’s activities and to secure funding for future camps. Please indicate below where you give consent for media to be used, complete your name and your child’s name and accept the consent.
If you wish to withdraw this consent at any time, please contact Arthritis NSW/QLD on (02) 9857 3300.