Arthritis NSW (ANSW) is a health charity founded in 1967 to help improve the lives of people suffering from arthritis and related musculoskeletal conditions.
As a peak body for arthritis support in NSW, the organisation works to empower the individual to manage their own condition and health towards achieving their personal meaning of ANSW’s vision Freedom from Arthritis.
The organisation is a trusted source of evidence-based and up-to-date information on arthritis and its treatment, with education programs delivered across a number of platforms, including webinars, workshops and community awareness sessions.
The health services team develops and delivers exercise programs tailored to the needs of people affected by arthritis, such as the popular warm water exercise classes and strength program.
Each year, the organisation delivers two camps for children affected by juvenile arthritis: Camp Twinkletoes for children under 8 years old and their families, and Camp Footloose for children and young people aged 9 to 18 years.
Since 2018, ANSW has been committed to extending its reach to rural areas of NSW so often lacking in health services compared to their city counterparts.
ANSW engages with the community through a network of support groups, publications such as Arthritis Matters, eNewsletter subscriptions, social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube and a toll-free Arthritis Infoline which connects callers with health professionals.
As a charitable organisation, ANSW recognises the generosity of its donors, sponsors and other supporters that enable the research, development and delivery of its valuable programs.
Our mission
To help people living with arthritis
Our key focus areas
- Prevention of disease
- Management of conditions
- Understanding and support
- Research towards clinical, social and quality improvements
Our Values
Our values that guide us in what we do include:
• Collaborative • Sustainable • Innovative • Outcome focused
Our Strategic Plan 2020 +
We are committed to serving our clients in a strategic and focused way.
We have a Vision, Mission and Values to guide our Service Model, and we hope you will join and support us.
Who and how we help
Arthritis NSW is here to help, support and empower people with arthritis and related conditions. We are accessible to all people, from the newly diagnosed to those who have lived with the disease for some time.
We achieve this through the delivering of specialised education programs and health services which focus on self-management through lifestyle, nutrition and gentle exercise.
The outcomes we seek for the people we help are improved or maintained joint functionality, reduced overall pain, and an improvement in the quality of life.
Our active community includes:
- Members
- Users of our health services
- Social Media followers
- Subscribers to our eNewsletter
Our Affiliates
Arthritis NSW is an affiliate member of Arthritis Australia and works with other state affiliates in ACT, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania and Northern Territory.
Our Patron
Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC
Our Vice Patron
Mr Dennis Wilson
Authority to Fundraise
CFN 12845
ABN 64 528 634 894